Thursday, 28 May 2015

Germinaing pea plant in colour pencil and graphite

I have almost finished the first stage of my pea composition.  After much practice, (shown below) I began my picture:
Sorting out colours.
But, half way through, I decided I wasn't happy with it, so I started again and finally now, I am pleased with the result. 

I need to work a little more on the roots as there are a few hard lines that need softening and I need to sharpen my edges.  However, I don't plan to do the edges until I have completed the full composition so watch this space.

My next task is the amaryllis which seems to have taken over the fire place.
I would like to capture its flowers all furled up but I don't know if I will have the time.
I am going to a botanical art workshop on irises over the weekend and this flower may well be out by then.

As it was a nice evening the Engineer and I went for a walk; we crossed the main road and then walked down towards the creek and past the allotments, which are looking wonderfully well cared for.

These leeks are huge compared to mine which look like slightly bendy needles at the moment.

Each plot was so well kept; there didn't seem to be an unloved area anywhere.

A quick cut through some trees and out onto some parkland by the creek.
We walked along admiring the view and listening to the wind making the yacht masts clank.
The waters edge

Lots of boats
This narrow alleyway is known locally as Frenchman's alley and leads through to some very old cottages.

Just back from the slipway is a group of older houses; the front one sometimes floods if there is a very high tide. 

The slipway
We then walked back home, where I spent some time in the garden watering my veggies.  What a lovely walk, back in time for a cup of tea and crochet.

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