Monday, 31 August 2015

August Bank Holiday

It was a dreary and grey August Bank holiday here today so I stayed in and did some drawing.  I harvested my onions a week or two ago and allowed them to dry; we've used a few already.  I know they are a bit small but they are the first onions I have ever grown and I am very pleased that they survived.  Similarly, my leeks will be baby leeks as they are not very big either; I just hope they taste good.
The roof of the shed is now on (yippie).  Its not waterproofed yet but that is the next thing to do after putting the gutter brackets on.  The Engineer is working hard to get as much done as possible before going back to work tomorrow; there is gentle grumbling over the seemingly endless rain but he is making progress buoyed up by bacon and egg butties.
Image result for egg and bacon sandwiches uk
Image from
The Teen and I went shopping today; on the list were shoes, a bag and trousers for school and makeup.   All were purchased in a very short time; unusually the Teen doesn't like shopping!
Image result for shopping bags
Image from
As for my drawing, I am working on a chilli plant in colour pencil.  A good friend lent me the plant to take along to a weekend workshop where the weather was amazing, the teaching excellent and the food brilliant; strawberries with balsamic vinegar and black pepper, yum.   I am faithfully watering the chilli while I draw.  Now the chillies, being a beautiful red and green, are I have to say, a dream to draw with fantastic contrasts between light and dark.  The leaves on the other hand are not so much fun.  The composition means that I am drawing the underside of a lot of the leaves and although some of them have some dappling on them they are very boring to draw.  Next time I do chillies I think I will just get a handful and draw the fruit and maybe a dissection.

copyright Su+2

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